Hillary Clinton's plan to replace American workers with cheap foreign laborHillary clinton has been a major promoter of outsourcing of American jobs to India ever since she was the Senator from New York. She and her husband Bill Clinton have given numerous speeches to domestic and foreign businesses, during which they telegraph their beliefs in outsourcing, open borders, easy travel, easy immigration. With such tacit assurances it is no surprise that Hillary and Bill have a steady stream of offers for speeches for fees starting at $250,000 from businesses that can benefit from global outsourcing. This video reports Hillary Clinton speaking to Silicon Valley executives about outsourcing: ============================================================= This video shows Hillary Clinton assuring Indian executives that she favors outsourcing: ============================================================= Here is an article about Hillary's long history with defending and promoting outsourcing of American jobs: Hillary Clinton's scheme to replace American workers ============================================================= and here's an article showing Hillary's hypocrisy in pretending to be concerned about the loss of American jobs: Hillary Clinton's outsourcing hypocrisy =============================================================
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