Here's what they plan for you: Higher taxes New taxes More government regulation and intrusion into your private life Redistricting your voting district to increase "diversity" A constitutional amendment to overturn Supreme Court decisions that upheld your First Amendment right to speak out in elections Increased immigration and total amnesty, including voting rights for 11 million illegal immigrants More global trade deals Nominate more liberal Supreme Court justices who will back unconstitutional actions by the president, "reinterpret" the Constitution to fit current liberal theory and create new laws by legislating from ther bench "Re-interpretation" of the Second Amendment to apply only to the national guard, not individual citizens Banning semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines Allowing lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and dealers for the illegal acts perpetrated by criminals. (This is equivalent to allowing lawsuits against an auto maker or car dealer for drive by shootings or vehicular homicide) Banning self defense. Hillary Clinton has stated that she believes that the Supreme Court was wrong to decide that the Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to keep and bear arms for self defense. Ending mass incarceration. Releasing drug dealers, thieves, burglars and other "nonviolent" criminals from prison and restoring their right to vote. Fewer jobs due to increased immigration Lower wages due to competition from immigrants More rigged stock market deals with Joe Biden's Wall Street donors Loss of value of your retirement investment portfolio due to increased taxes on stock market transactions A substantial carbon tax, a penalty tax on the use of fossil fuels, to encourage you to use more expensive, "clean", "renewable" energy Using the Justice Department to prosecute those who express scepticism of man made global warming
  Paid for by Voters Aware (www.votersaware.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |